Wednesday is blogging day

January 9, 2013 § 2 Comments

Why Wednesday? Because I decided this morning I needed to blog more often. I was going to give a daily blog a go, but then I remembered I’m not good at remembering to do things daily. And since today’s a Wednesday, and I was born on a Wednesday, it seemed as good a day as any.

I’m not sure what I’ll write about – hopefully inspiration will strike. I got some good ideas from Twitter friends this morning, including this one – which is to blog about what inspires weekly bloggers. The idea came from Rams Mabote, a friend and former Sunday Times colleague (Twitter handle @ramsmabote if you’d like to follow him). The truth is, I have absolutely no idea.

So, these will just be my usual ramblings, but hopefully, shorter. Because as I look back over previous blogs, I realise I’ve been far too verbose. Rookie error, I suppose. I hope you’ll forgive me.

I’d love to hear from other bloggers who are good about meeting their self-imposed deadlines – what inspires you? What compels you to sit at the computer and type away until that post is up? How do you decide whether what you are writing is worth reading? Or do you just write for yourself?

I write partly for myself, and partly in the hope that I entertain someone out there. And as my last post suggests, I sometimes blog to vent. Big time. I’m entirely non-confrontational in person, but sit me down at a keyboard when I’m angry and I can spew invective with the best of them. I’ll try to restrain myself, I promise.

So, the parameters are – blogging at least once a week, by Wednesday at the latest. (Although hopefully more often.) No more than 500 words. About anything I fancy. Feel free to nag me.

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